Jobs, homes and prosperity for local people
A minimum of 15% of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) that is received by each District Authority is given back to Parish or Town Councils. This amount rises to 25% when a Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted. The funding is known as Neighbourhood CIL and is intended to support growth at a local/community level.
It is for the individual Parish and Town Council’s to agree how neighbourhood CIL is allocated in their local areas.
Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council engage with Parishes about the delivery of infrastructure, including how this relates to the development and implementation of Neighbourhood Plans. Both Councils have introduced a Community Infrastructure Fund (CIF), which allows Parish or Town Councils to borrow money from the District. This money can be used to deliver community infrastructure projects which address the demands of growth in their area. Community Infrastructure Levy receipts, due to be paid to Parish or Town Councils, are used to repay the money to the District.
In the Norwich City Council area there are no parishes, so the council consults directly with communities to allocate this element of CIL income. The council use multiple ways in which to encourage applications into this fund:
Projects in Norwich can apply for CIL here.