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Greater Norwich Growth Board

Jobs, homes and prosperity for local people


Cringleford Meadow - Yare Valley Walk


The Yare Valley Walk is a popular 6-mile nature and walking route from Bowthorpe Southern Park to Marston Marsh. This project provided improvements to the Cringleford Meadow area of the walk to enhance the visitor experience and access for all users. It: 

  • filled in a vital missing link on this route via a new hardcore path connecting Cringleford Meadow to the existing surfaced route
  • improved car parking facilities  
  • installed new interpretation board and waymarking posts 
  • provided biodiversity enhancements by grubbing out an historic ditch system that will promote fish spawning. 

The Greater Norwich Growth Board fully funded this project for £47,000. Enhancements had previously been made or secured to the path from UEA up to the Newmarket Road/A11 flyover, both by UEA and by local developers. However, the final area of the route around Cringleford Meadow had been awaiting improvements for several years. 

This project has made an important addition to Green Infrastructure (GI) in Greater Norwich, especially as Cringleford is a key growth location with limited access to green space. These improvements mean that more people will be able to enjoy the Yare Valley Walk, whilst managing the impact of this extra use by implementing formal pathing.


Photography ©Robert Stubbs

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